Qualiopi certificate

BluePharm accompagne les industries de santé

BluePharm obtained the “Qualiopi” quality certification, under the category: Training actions. The Certification was issued by the ICPF.

The purpose of Qualiopi certification is to certify the quality of the process implemented by providers of skills development actions.

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The audit is based on a benchmark of 7 criteria, broken down into 22 indicators that apply to all service providers (common core), to which are added 10 specific indicators (for certifying training, apprenticeship, etc.).
  1. The conditions for informing the public about the services offered, the deadlines for accessing them and the results obtained.
  2. The precise identification of the objectives of the services offered and the adaptation of these services to the beneficiary populations, when designing the services.
  3. Adaptation to the public benefiting from the services and the methods of reception, support, monitoring and evaluation implemented.
  4. The adequacy of the educational, technical and supervisory resources for the services implemented.
  5. The qualification and development of the knowledge and skills of the personnel responsible for implementing the services.
  6. Registration and investment of the service provider in its professional environment.
  7. Collecting and taking into account the assessments and complaints made by the parties involved in the services provided.

On January 1, 2022, the “Qualiopi” Quality certification will become a legal obligation for all Organizations carrying out actions for the development of skills wishing to benefit from public or pooled funds (financing by a skills operator, by the State, by the regions, by the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, by Pôle emploi or by Agefiph).


“This certification is important because it allows BluePharm to reassure its customers, trainees and funders, it also validates our professionalism.”

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